Saturday, June 7, 2014

My First Week as a Junior High School

            This school year 2014-2015 as the classes started, new thoughts and ideas of becoming a junior came into my mind. I feel that I am into the next level or into another step higher. I also felt that since I’m in a higher year level, I should change for the better. My impressions for the present school year were that it will be more fun and enjoying, encounter harder lessons and even subjects, and will be a tougher year than my previous years. I also have different expectations and impressions about my teachers and some classmates.

            My first week as a 3rd Year High school student was just a typical week – just like when I was in grade 7 and 8. At the first week, everyone including me seemed happy to meet friends though others were new to others and I can say that they are already close to one another. For me, our class schedule was better than our previous years.  Our teachers were all beautiful and kind especially our adviser, and were not that strict as I thought. I can say that she was a good teacher because one thing that I’ve already learned from her is that she wasn’t only teaching our subject but was teaching us to be better persons.

            We already did some activities such as the diagnostic tests, group projects, a little bit discussions and some assessment tests. Based from some of our activities especially the diagnostic tests, I can say that our topics and lessons are more difficult and complicated. We also have a very new subject which is Spanish wherein I was very confused the most during the diagnostic test. I am hoping to learn all of our topics easily. Overall, my first week as a junior is exciting and I’m hoping that it will be even happier as my 3rd year days pass by.

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